How to do an Advertising Brief


In the advertising world, all the advertising agencies are required to pitch to various brands with their creative business ideas to expand their existence in the market. Therefore, they always look forward to finding an opportunity to do that. So technically, a Creative pitch is a business discussion with advertising agencies and corporate brands. In the creative pitch, the advertising agency shows their creativity, ability to innovate and the best ways to advertise the product/service.

When the advertising agency needs to prepare for a creative pitch, they need an agency brief. It is a detailed document which mentions corporate brand requirements. The advertising agency do the market research based on the information received. So, Companies should be very cautious when creating that document. There are some key points to consider when writing an agency brief. These can be identified as follows.

Providing sufficient detail on the product, project, and situation analysis/ market research conducted is required. Because it helps to identify product attributes and positioning in the existing market. Future advertising activities can be planned based on this information. Then, key market insights that lead to hiring an advertising agency should be mentioned. According to that, the advertising agency determines what are the company’s needs and requirements.

When talking about advertising objectives, the company should mention clear, specific, and measurable points. And mention the target audience which determines the group of people the company is trying to influence. Then clearly mention what is the message you want to deliver to the target audience. Especially what kind of call to action is required for the campaign.

Providing a timeline is very important in the agency brief. Because executing an advertising campaign and expecting results from it requires a specific time. Customers require some time to respond to advertisements. Seasonal advertising and general advertising use totally different promotion strategies. Therefore, the company should mention a clear timeline and the advertising agency should be responsible for delivering the requirements on time.

All the marketing activities depend on the marketing budget. So, the company should provide a realistic budget that matches its requirements. It can be negotiable. Drafting a budget for an advertising campaign in an agency brief is convenient for both parties in the initial stages.

After the execution of any campaign, it is required to measure the return on investments. Every company expects more sales than they spent. So, setting unique parameters for the campaign is essential. Advertising agencies can focus on the mentioned parameters in the agency brief, which will help to identify the key performance indicators as well.

The company should mention what are the areas the advertising agencies should avoid and what are guidelines should be followed during the campaign. The company should provide support to the agency if required during the market research and execution.

Overall, above mentioned key points support creating a good agency brief and it leads to a good creative pitch for an ad agency. Being only creative does not make you a good advertising agency. You should maintain the quality of your creatives by being prepared for the feedback and response during the advertising campaign.

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